There are a number of common plants which may be toxic to dogs and cats and should be avoided. You can find a searchable database at the ASPCA poison control website here, but we have provided a quick reference list below:
- Arum Lily
- Autumn Crocus
- Australian Flame Tree
- Avocado
- Azalea Baneberry
- Bird Of Paradise
- Bishop’s Weed
- Black Laurel
- Black Locust
- Bleeding Heart
- Bloodroot
- Bluebonnet
- Blue-Green Algae
- Boxwood
- Bracken Fern
- Buckthorn
- Bulb Flowers
- Burdock
- Cacao
- Camel Bush
- Caladium
- Calla Lily
- Cardinal Flower
- Chalice
- Cherry Tree
- Chinaberry Tree
- Clematis
- Cocklebur
- Coffee
- Coral Plant
- Coriander
- Dieffenbachia
- Elderberry
- Elephant Ear (Taro)
- Eucalyptus
- Euonymus
- False Hellebore
- Flame Tree
- Felt Plant
- Firethorn
- Four O’Clock
- Foxglove Glottidium
- Golden Chain
- Ground Cherry
- Heaths
- Heliotrope Hemlock
- Henbane
- Holly
- Honeysuckle
- Horse Chestnut
- Horsetail
- Hydrangea
- English Ivy
- Jasmine
- Jimsonweed
- Lantana
- Larkspur
- Lily Of The Valley
- Easter Lily Lupine Marijuana Mandrake
- Mexican Poppy
- Milkweed
- Vetch Yellow Jasmine
- Mistletoe
- Mock Orange
- Monkshood
- Moonseed
- Morning Glory
- Mountain Laurel
- Mushrooms
- Nightshades
- Oak
- Oleander
- Periwinkle
- Philodendron
- Pigweed
- Poinciana
- Poinsettia
- Poison Ivy
- Poison Oak
- Pokeweed
- Potato Shoots
- Privet
- Pyricantha
- Rain Tree
- Ranunculus (Buttercup)
- Rape
- Red Maple
- Snowdrop
- Spurges
- Sweet Pea
- Tansy
- Tobacco
- Wisteria
- Yews
What's Next
Call us or schedule an appointment online.
Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.
Put a plan together for your pet.